The Call Youth Conference

Only 100 Early Bird tickets available!


peculiar [adjective]


Hungry For Holy // Hungry For Him

A GenZ gathering of high schoolers from all over South Africa in pursuit of one thing – Jesus! You’ve been told that you lack identity but the truth is, you desire something real. Counterfeits and hype do not satisfy – YOU are hungry for HOLY, hungry for HIM.

It’s time to turn the lie on its head! God has called you to be a peculiar people. A people set apart by HIS PRESENCE.

1 Peter 2:9 Niv

But You Are A Chosen People, A Royal Priesthood, A Holy Nation, God’s Special Possession, That You May Declare The Praises Of Him Who Called You Out Of Darkness Into His Wonderful Light.

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Warren Lewin grew up in Durban, South Africa and has recently moved to Cape Town with his wife Stacey and daughter Abigail. Warren has been involved at Harvest Church for the last 8 years where he has ministered in the prophetic and spiritual gifting as a leader in the community. He started in ministry as a Youth Pastor leading a large local community that was deeply missional and impacted the North Durban religion.

He lives to help people find and know the Father and to see both their potential and futures unlocked through prophetic perspective and transforming grace.

He currently works in the business sector with a heart to see the King and His kingdom be revealed and touch the lives of people across our society.

Mike met Jesus as a sixteen-year-old in Cape Town, and has been following him ever since. Mike is currently a tutor at the School of Leadership and Theology ( He has a background in theology, evangelism and apologetics, having been an itinerant speaker for four years across the UK and Africa before moving back to the UK in 2020 to lead a church community with his wife, Julia.

He holds a first-class bachelor's degree in English Literature and Classics from UCT and a post-graduate certificate in education (PGCE) from UNISA. He completed his apologetics training through the Oxford Centre for Christian Apologetics, his post-graduate studies in Theology at the University of Oxford and a Masters in Theology, Ministry and Mission at St Mellitus College, London. He recently moved back to South Africa with his family to be part of what God is doing in this beautiful nation.

He is passionate about following Jesus, learning, and equipping others to live out their faith in challenging circumstances. When Mike is not thinking too seriously about all this, he enjoys running and South African braais.

Julia first encountered Jesus when she was a young girl and he’s filled her life with his close presence ever since – her greatest treasure.

After university she worked in the fashion industry until she and her husband, Mike, took the opportunity to move to London in 2020 for three years. During that time they pastored a church community in central London.

Julia and Mike recently welcomed a son, their first child, into the world and returned home to South Africa. They now live in Cape Town.

Julia is passionate about God and seeing people transformed by his presence.

Jenna and her husband, Marthinus are part of the Eldership team at Victory Christian Church, Jeffreys Bay. They are part of a thriving young families community in St Francis Bay. 

Jenna was born and raised in Australia and was purposed and destined in South Africa in 2008 when she attended Victory Gap Year! She is all about living her life on purpose with a passion to see her children and the next generation living an intentional, Spirit-led, determined, Word based, purposefully free lives - all for the glory of Jesus!